
Helping you save money and save the planet

Renewable electricity is cheaper and more accessible than ever. Gaia Renewables can help you with a variety of renewable energy projects. Whether you are looking to save money at home for your family or whether you have a business that needs help reinforcing the bottom line, we are here to help.

Solar Panelling and Battery Storage

We will design and source a bespoke solar panelling installation for your home or business. 

This could include a range of different technologies and equipment, we pride ourselves on looking at each client’s needs with imagination. In our discussions we will make sure to give you an exact idea of how much electricity your panels will generate and what the effect of this might be on your electricity bills and the environment.

Find out yourself why the number of people installing solar panels in the UK is doubling year on year!

Battery storage has revolutionised how effective domestic solar PV systems are for radically changing the amount of electricity you pay in bills.

We can discuss finding the right battery (or indeed possibly batteries) for you to ensure that even when the sun is asleep during the night you still won’t paying for electricity from the grid.

Apart from managing your electricity generation and demand there are also lots of exciting new options for monetising your domestic battery that we can also talk you through.

"I already have solar panels, are there other options to explore?"

We imagine you aren’t surprised at this point to read our reply of “absolutely!”

We can discuss lots of other options with you. Indeed, we have been involved in renewable electricity projects utilising a range of technologies including plans and designs for small-scale hydro power generation and domestic wind turbines.

Or if you just want to see how upgrading your existing solar PV system might effect your finances we can show you how a larger system or the installation of EESS (Electrical Energy Storage Systems) otherwise known as batteries could improve your savings.

Want to find out more about the process?

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